The Sycamore Ceiling Fan from Sycamore Technologies has a single blade that provides high air flow and creates minimal noise.


  • Energy efficient
  • Reduced noise
  • Reduced materials


  • Residential and commercial buildings

UN Sustainable Development Goals Addressed

  • Goal 9: Industry Innovation & Infrastructure

The Challenge

Ceiling fans are a common sight in many residential and commercial buildings. However, conventional flat fan blades used on most ceiling fans require high operating speeds to achieve high airflow, creating high turbulence and wind noise. They also typically use 3-4 blades, which requires more materials and increases cost.

Innovation Details

The Sycamore Ceiling Fan fan has a specially designed blade inspired by sycamore seeds. It is able to operate at low speeds while providing high air flow with low turbulence and minimal wind noise.

Image: Sycamore Technology / Copyright © - All rights reserved

Sycamore ceiling fan.

Biological Model

A sycamore tree’s falling seedpod autorotates due to its curved shape, allowing it to stay in the air for longer and travel greater distances. The balance between the weight of the seed and the length of the single wing is accurately matched, enabling the seeds to autorotate smoothly during free fall.