Regulate Reproduction or Growth
Reproduction and growth are two physiological processes that occur in all living systems. There are situations when conditions are right for both, and other situations when continuing either harms the living system because both have a very high energy cost. Reproduction and growth are unique in that both can stop until conditions improve, although stopping either for an extended time can cause problems. An example of regulating reproduction is a process called delayed implantation or embryonic diapause found in some mammals, such as otters. An otter’s embryos sometimes temporarily cease developing and won’t develop further until the female senses that conditions are suitable.
All living systems reproduce. Without reproduction, life can’t continue and evolution can’t take place. Reproduction occurs in different ways depending upon the type of living system. Some living systems reproduce sexually, which means that the offspring’s genetic material comes from two parents. Others reproduce asexually, creating exact copies of themselves (unless a mutation occurs). For example, most animals and plants reproduce sexually, combining genes from two individuals to create another. As a result, the offspring have different features than either of its parents. Bacteria, on the other hand, reproduce by dividing, which results in new bacteria containing the same genes as the original.
Coordinate by Self-Organization
To create and maintain a healthy community of individuals and ecosystems requires that living systems coordinate their activities. Coordination doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s a leader orchestrating what happens. In nature, coordination is usually achieved through self-organization. In a flock of geese flying in a V-formation, for example, there’s no lead goose controlling where all of the others fly. The flock uses this formation because each goose gains energy from air vortices created by the goose in front of it. The lead goose doesn’t gain that benefit, so when it tires, it moves back and another goose takes the front position.
Cooperate Within the Same Species
A species is a group of organisms capable of breeding to produce fertile offspring. When individuals within a species undertake activities that benefit one another, that cooperation benefits not just the individuals, but also local and wider populations of that species. Collaborating in activities such as finding food, controlling parasites, and protecting from predators enhances overall survival. To cooperate, there must be enough benefit to an individual, and especially to a population, to justify any risk taken by individuals. Through cooperation, risk is distributed among individuals and the benefits to the community are greater than the sum of the benefits to individuals. An example is birds that gather in flocks, a cooperative activity more beneficial than acting alone. While some birds forage, others watch for predators. When one finds food, others also feed on it. Despite potential short-term competition for an individual that finds food, over the long-term, that same individual benefits when others find different food sources.
Manage Disturbance in a Community
When environmental conditions change, they can disrupt an ecosystem’s equilibrium. Excessive rain can cause flooding and drought can cause forest fires. An ecosystem must be resilient to such disturbances. Disturbances are unpredictable in location, size, and intensity, so ecosystems must be able to regrow and must have a variety of duplicate forms, processes, or systems that are dispersed in location. For example, a forest ecosystem can recover from fire because diverse organisms play different roles in different ways and in different locations. Many organisms can resprout or grow from seeds triggered by fire, and their dispersed distribution ensures that an entire population isn’t decimated. Though the recovered ecosystem may look totally different from the pre-fire one, the ecosystem as a whole remains healthy.