Eel Tidal Energy Converter from Eel Energy moves with the tides to harness wave energy and convert it into electricity.
- Efficient
- Sustainable
- Renewable energy production
UN Sustainable Development Goals Addressed
Goal 7: Affordable & Clean Energy
The Challenge
Most energy is generated through the burning of fossil fuels, which releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases absorb solar energy and keep heat close to the Earth, a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect, which has led to global warming. Finding alternative, renewable sources of energy in the coming years will be essential for reducing climate change.
Innovation Details
The Eel Tidal Energy Converter has an undulating structure that moves with the tidal currents. This movement can then be converted into electricity by an electromechanical system. There is also a monitoring loop that ensures optimized energy conversion in response to changes in flow conditions and power transmitted.
Biological Model
Eels and lampreys are able to swim long distances while conserving energy by using lateral undulation. During this movement, a wave travels from head to tail and increases in amplitude, also called a ‘lateral wriggle’. Many primitive invertebrate swimmers use this kind of locomotion. The wriggling is aided by vertical stabilizer fins that extend the sides of the body and help facilitate power transmission to the water.