The eye of a lobster focuses reflected light onto the retina using a perfect geometric configuration of square tubes.
Capture, Absorb, or Filter Energy
Energy is naturally available in many forms, including kinetic, potential, thermal, elastic, radiant, chemical, and more. All living systems require energy to carry out their many activities, and have developed strategies appropriate to one or more of those forms. For example, some plants maximize their surface area available for capturing radiant energy from the sun while others have strategies to focus scattered light onto photosynthesizing areas.
Modify Light/Color
Color in living systems comes from pigments and the interaction of light with surfaces. Color serves many purposes for living systems, such as attracting prey or mates, providing warnings, or protecting through camouflage. To create the effects needed for each purpose, living systems must control the expression or visibility of pigments and the interactions (such as reflectance and refraction) of light. To do so, they have strategies that modify color or light to increase or decrease the color’s position, intensity, opacity, and more. Male hummingbirds, for example, have brightly colored feather patches on their throats; the coloring comes from pigments, structures that refract light, or a combination of the two. When a male hummingbird hovers near a potential mate, it modifies the angle of these feathers to create a bright, colorful display. However, when it needs to mute the colors to reduce conspicuousness, such as to avoid a predator, it modifies the angle again.

Subphylum Crustacea (“crust”): Crabs, barnacles, shrimp, pillbugs
Some crustaceans, like pillpugs and woodlice, live on land, but most are found in the ocean. Their heads are distinctive among the arthropods: they have two pairs of antennae and three pairs of feeding appendages that help them hold and crunch food. Crustaceans also have a unique larval stage called the nauplius (named after the son of Poseidon) which has three pairs of legs and one eye. Most crustaceans are in class Malacostraca, which contains a wide range of species that live in mostly marine environments, like krill, lobster, and mantis shrimp.