Penguins help handle excess salt in their diet via specialized salt glands.
“To handle excess salt loads of marine life, penguins have specialized salt glands in the facial region with histology similar to renal tissue.” (Miller 1978:103)
When a living system is in homeostasis, it means that internal conditions are stable and relatively constant. For example, a human’s internal temperature is approximately 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit) unless there’s an illness. The human body maintains this temperature despite external ambient temperature. However, as with all physiological processes, maintaining homeostasis requires communication and coordination. So living systems have ways to detect changes from the norm, mechanisms to cause an adjustment, and negative feedback connections between the two. A desert lizard called the Gila monster offers a good example of maintaining homeostasis. The lizard goes from eating large meals to fasting for extended time periods. To maintain its blood sugar levels at a steady level, when food is scarce, its endocrine system releases a hormone that raises its blood sugar levels.
Living systems must often discharge solids–such as seeds, eggs, pollen, and mineral salts–for reproduction, protection, or other reasons. Solids can be easily moved when a living system applies force to them. But creating that force requires energy, so living systems must either have efficient strategies worth the energy investment or use an outside force (such as gravity). For example, a tropical mistletoe positions its pollen so that the weight of a bird landing nearby triggers the pollen’s release onto the bird’s forehead. The bird then fertilizes other mistletoes that it visits.
Living systems often require chemical elements and chemical compounds, including complex sugars, proteins, and odor-making compounds, to perform critical activities. These compounds exist in various states–solid, liquid, and gas–and are ubiquitous in soil, water, and air. This requires that living systems not only have ways to capture, absorb, or filter them, but also ways to differentiate among them, selecting those that are valuable or harmful. For example, mangrove trees live with their roots in salty water and sediments. Various mangrove species have different strategies for removing salt from the water they take in so that their tissues can use the fresh water.
Class Aves (“bird”): Eagles, hawks, sparrows, parrots
Birds are evolutionary engineering marvels. They are descended from dinosaurs, but are far from our idea of heavy, scaly reptiles. Of the specific adaptions that set them apart, most notable is flight—although some mammals can fly, birds take the prize for abundance in the skies. Many birds have hollow, lightweight skeletons and specially-designed wings to help them stay aloft. They also have feathers made of keratin that help them stay warm, attract mates, and improve navigation and aerodynamics in flight. In contrast to their dinosaur ancestors, they lack true teeth and have replaced them with specialized beaks and bills.
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