Nests of foam-nesting frogs protect eggs and sperm from microbes using unique antimicrobial proteins called ranaspumins.

“The foam nests of the túngara frog (Engystomops pustulosus) [formerly
form a biocompatible incubation medium for eggs and sperm while
resisting considerable environmental and microbiological
assault. We have shown that much of this behaviour
can be attributed to a cocktail of six s, designated ranaspumins
(Rsn-1 to Rsn-6), which predominate in the foam.
These fall into two discernable classes based on sequence analysis and
properties. Rsn-2, with an amphiphilic
sequence unlike any hitherto reported, exhibits substantial
surfactant activity necessary for production of
foam, yet is harmless to the membranes of eggs and spermatozoa. A
four (Rsn-3 to Rsn-6) are lectins, three of which
are similar to fucolectins found in teleosts but not previously
in a land vertebrate, though with a carbohydrate
binding specificity different from previously described fucolectins. The
sixth, Rsn-1, is structurally similar to proteinase
inhibitors of the cystatin class, but does not itself appear to exhibit
any such activity. The nest foam itself, however,
does exhibit potent cystatin activity. Rsn-encoding genes are
in many tissues of the adult frogs, but the full
cocktail is present only in oviduct s. Combinations of lectins and
have known roles in plants and animals for defence
against microbial colonization and insect attack. Túngara nest foam
a novel synergy of selected elements of innate
defence plus a specialized surfactant protein, comprising a previously
strategy for protection of unattended reproductive
stages of animals.” (Fleming et al. 2009:1787)

Last Updated September 14, 2016