SwarmLogic from Encycle uses a unique algorithm that allows power-consuming appliances to communicate with each other and save energy.
- Reduced energy consumption
- Reduced cost
- HVAC systems
- Smart buildings
UN Sustainable Development Goals Addressed
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
Goal 12: Responsible Production & Consumption
The Challenge
HVAC systems are found in almost all major buildings, but they can be the biggest energy consumer, and therefore the biggest cost, of running a building. Different types of building equipment usually operate in isolation from each other, obeying a single thermostat or a timer that has no knowledge of what else is currently operating in the facility. Since these loads do not communicate with each other, they often operate simultaneously–unnecessarily boosting energy usage and increasing costs.
Innovation Details
SwarmLogic® is an energy efficiency technology that integrates with a building’s controls to dramatically and instantly reduce electric costs. Swarm Logic controllers establish a mesh wireless network among power-consuming appliances, enabling them to communicate among themselves autonomously. Using a custom algorithm inspired by honeybee communication, the connected appliances spread out energy demand among them. The result is known as peak demand shaving.

Biological Model
Honeybees communicate with one another and coordinate individual behaviors to form a collective organization that efficiently acts to build hives and feed their colonies.