Computer chip from MIT has thousands of artificial brain synapses that enable it to process information dynamically.


  • Efficient
  • High-definition
  • Versatile


  • Artificial intelligence
  • Surveillance
  • Electronic devices

UN Sustainable Development Goals Addressed

  • Goal 9: Industry Innovation & Infrastructure

The Challenge

Memory transistors are an essential element of neuromorphic computing. The capability of current memory transistors is limited by how many ions flow from one electrode to the other. Additionally, existing memory transistors are activated only when the voltage stimulates a large conduction channel.

Innovation Details

The computer chip is made out of tens of thousands of artificial synapses called memory transistors, or “memristors.” The memristors are made of silicon, silver, and copper. The metals are melded into alloys to introduce specific properties. This manipulation allows ions to flow more quickly, enhancing the speed of the system. Together the memristors form an artificial neural network to efficiently carry out computational tasks. The goal is for these chips to be able to recognize lights, make decisions, and remember processes.

Biomimicry Story

Neurons aid organisms in reacting to environmental stimuli because they collaborate to share information and filter unimportant information. Neurons form a complex cellular network in the brain that connect electrically and chemically to transmit information from sensory organs to specific brain regions that process the data and respond.