A beautifully illustrated picture book about our innate connection to the natural world with a companion lesson plan and an ELA Common Core guide for grades 3-5. 


  • Students will learn how each of us is part of nature. 
  • Students will learn how to collect simple data to support scientific claims in the book.

While children often exhibit an affinity for nature early on, they can quickly lose that perspective if it isn’t nurtured. In a world full of toys and gadgets, it can be all too easy to overlook the fact that humans are a part of nature, too — a perspective that is essential to learning from and emulating nature. This picture book aims to reintroduce children to their innate relationship with the world around them by sharing many of the surprising ways that we are all connected to the natural world.

The publisher has provided a lesson plan for K-6, an ELA Common Core guide for grades 3-5, a two-page explanation of the science behind statements in the book, and instructions for making dioramas similar to those created by the illustrator. The App and video mentioned on the website are no longer available.

Book front cover

Back cover

Interior sample page

Interior sample page